Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a pain. Fortunately, they are usually easy to treat and sometimes even go away on their own. But if you have more than one UTI in a short period of time, you may be experiencing recurrent urinary tract infections, and you’ll want to figure out why and get treated as soon as possible.
Read on to find out what recurrent UTIs are, who can get them and why they may be happening. We’ll also go over UTI treatment and when you should see a doctor for a UTI.
Recurrent UTIs are infections that can happen to anyone
UTIs are a bacterial infection in your urinary tract and are very common. But your UTIs might be considered recurrent if you have two that cause symptoms within six months, or three in a year.
While a round of antibiotics may initially clear up UTI symptoms, 25% of people who have a UTI (women in particular) may develop a second within six months. And some people experience them every few months.
Though anyone can experience recurrent UTIs, women are more likely to have them, as their urethras are shorter and closer to the rectum, making it easier for bacteria to enter the urinary tract.
There are many reasons why you might get recurrent UTIs
While UTIs are extremely common, it’s not common to have multiple UTIs within a few months or a year. And while bacteria cause most UTIs, the reasons bacteria enter and infect your urinary tract vary.
Reinfection from the same bacteria
Antibiotics can be very helpful with bacterial infections, but they don’t always clear the UTI long term. This is because, while the antibiotics kill the bacteria in the kidneys, they don’t necessarily kill the same type of bacteria elsewhere in or on your body – so the remaining bacteria can sometimes cause a reinfection. It’s also possible the bacteria that caused the UTI is resistant to antibiotics, so the infection will persist even after a course of antibiotics.
Sex can contribute to recurring UTIs
While anyone can develop a UTI after sex, young, healthy women who have sex are most at risk of having recurrent UTIs, especially if the sex is with a new partner. The reason for this is often linked to using spermicides and oral contraceptives. Both can increase the number of the E. coli bacteria that is frequently the cause of a UTI, making it more likely a UTI will develop after sex. Using a diaphragm for birth control can cause a UTI as well, because diaphragms can make it more difficult to empty the bladder fully, potentially leaving bacteria behind in the urinary tract.
Recurrent UTIs are also linked to frequent intercourse, not peeing immediately before and after sex, and not cleaning your genital area before and after sex. Not using a lubricant can also increase the chance of getting a UTI, as lubricant reduces friction, which can irritate the genitals.
A past history or family history of UTIs can increase your risk
If you had a UTI before you turned 16 years old, you may be more prone to recurrent UTIs. And if your mother or sister have a history of frequent or multiple UTIs, you may be genetically predisposed to experience recurrent UTIs.
Estrogen level fluctuations during and after menopause can affect UTIs
When women go through menopause, they experience a lot of changes in their body. One change brought by menopause that can cause recurrent UTIs is varying levels of estrogen, which is a hormone that plays an important role in reproductive and sexual health.
When estrogen levels fluctuate, the lining of the vaginal walls can change, disturbing good bacteria (lactobacilli) and increasing the risk of the bad bacteria that cause UTIs. The decrease of estrogen can also cause the muscles in the bladder and pelvic floor to weaken, resulting in urinary incontinence, which can cause UTIs.
Elderly women are at higher risk for recurrent UTIs as well, due to age-related factors such as poor bladder control, malnutrition, diabetes and changes in the structure of the vagina.
Other risk factors for recurrent UTIs
While sexual activity, age and family history can contribute to the overall risk of recurrent UTIs, preexisting health conditions may make you more prone to recurrent UTIs as well. These can include:
- Bladder obstruction
- Certain sexually transmitted infections, like chlamydia or gonorrhea
- Diabetes
- Enlarged prostate
- Frequent catheter use
- Kidney stones
- Being overweight
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Pregnancy-related changes in your urinary tract
- Urethral strictures, which is narrowing of the urethra
Recurrent UTIs are not a sign of bladder cancer
Recurrent UTIs don’t indicate bladder cancer. Rather, risk factors, such as smoking and family history, are often the cause of bladder cancer. However, the two conditions do have similar symptoms like pain while peeing, frequent urination and an urgent need to pee.
Things you can do to reduce your chances of a recurring UTI include:
- Practice basic hygiene – Wipe your vagina from front to back when you use the bathroom. Also, try to take showers instead of baths and avoid using douches or vaginal cleansing products.
- Practice good sexual hygiene – Make sure you urinate before and after sex, keep your genital area clean, and avoid spermicides and diaphragms if you can.
- Urinate regularly – Try not to wait until you have the urge to pee, and empty your bladder completely each time you go.
- Stay hydrated – Drink a lot of water throughout the day, not just when you’re thirsty. And eat foods that are water-based, like soup, lettuce, melon, celery, strawberries, pineapple and cucumbers.
- Home remedies – Drink unsweetened cranberry juice, eat whole or dried cranberries or take a cranberry supplement. While cranberries don’t cure UTIs, studies have shown that cranberries make it more difficult for bacteria to stick to the walls of the urinary tract, so you can avoid a UTI in the first place.
When to see a doctor for recurrent UTI treatment
Your primary care doctor or clinician can diagnose and treat UTIs with antibiotics, if needed. But if you’ve experienced a UTI twice in six months or three or more in 12 months, it may be time to see a specialist.
Women’s health specialists like OB-GYNs and urogynecologists are experts in chronic UTIs. OB-GYNs specialize in female reproductive health overall, and urogynecologists are experts in female urinary and pelvic floor disorders.
A urologist – a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating urinary tract and reproductive system conditions for men, women and children – may also be able to help.