Psychological support strategies in hospitalized burn patients: a quality performance improvement assessment [abstract] Abstract uri icon


  • Introduction: Psychological intervention and support is an integral part of a burn recovery. Working in a Level I trauma center which serves a five state area creates an additional set of challenges for the psychosocial team. Early and consistent interventions by social work/case management, child life and chaplaincy can create a safe and healing environment for patients and families which contribute to positive outcomes. Methods: Creating this community of support starts in the acute setting and is offered throughout the hospitalization and into the months and years post injury. Assessments upon admission reveal individual patient and family needs but the importance of frequent and consistent involvement for the duration of the hospitalization and during follow up care can significantly affect outcomes. Every burn patient is expected to have a consult to every discipline within the psychosocial team including social work/case management, chaplaincy, and child life (if applicable). These consults remain in the electronic medical record until the consult has been completed. During this consult the social worker assesses the appropriateness for any/all of our psychological programs offered at our burn center. These programs are offered during and after the inpatient admission. The implementation of these programs is discussed in our weekly provider care rounds and all team members are encouraged to provide input into what programs would be suitable for each patient/family. Results: A random retrospective quality performance assessment of 30 patients admitted to the burn center during 2014 was completed. The length of stay for these patients ranged from 1 to 126 days. One hundred percent of the 30 patients were seen by social work/case management. All five children had child life consults completed. In addition there was one adult patient who was also seen by child life. Chaplaincy saw 17 of the 30 patients. Conclusions: A consistent approach to psychosocial interventions facilitates optimal psychosocial support. Ongoing outreach, education, and communication with our referral sources are crucial to long term positive psychological outcomes for burn survivors and their families. Applicability of Research to Practice: Eliciting feedback and satisfaction surveys from patients and that specifically address their experiences of being hospitalized regionally could further support ongoing psychological programming.

  • publication date
  • 2015
  • published in


  • Burns
  • Critical Care
  • Mental Health
  • Quality of Health Care
  • Referral
  • Retrospective Studies
  • Social Support
  • Additional Document Info

  • 36
  • issue
  • Suppl 1