Development of a pharmacist facilitator guide for online and face-to-face diabetes support groups [abstract] Abstract uri icon


  • Objective: The objectives of this study are to: (1) identify topics that are most important to be included in a facilitator guide and (2) describe the key considerations in an iterative process used to optimize a facilitator guide for a pharmacist-led combined online and face-to-face support group for African American men with diabetes in a faith-based setting. Methods: An initial framework was developed to cover face-to-face discussion and online discussion forums over the course of the 12-week study period. A review of the literature uncovered key concepts that were used in the development of an initial framework for the facilitator guide. Participating pharmacists, church leaders, and researchers were consulted based on their relevant expertise. Additionally, input was obtained from experts in community-based participatory research on how to engage community members in the initial development of the facilitator guide. A preliminary guide has been developed that will be continually revised and refined throughout the study period. Feedback from participants, pharmacists, researchers and church leaders will be solicited to support optimization of the guide. Results: Three broad domains were decided upon for discussion: education use, diabetes, and health-system navigation. Each domain was further divided into more specific topics, such as adherence, exercise, and community resources. It is anticipated that the guide will be shaped by participants’ interests and needs as the support groups commence. Creation and optimization of the facilitator guidedwith input from this diverse group of stakeholders will likely allow for greater success of future support groups.

  • publication date
  • 2016
  • Research

  • Diabetes
  • Drugs and Drug Therapy
  • Pharmacists
  • Additional Document Info

  • 56
  • issue
  • 3