Development of the cancer survivorship care plan: what's next? Life after cancer treatment Journal Article uri icon


  • Long-term information needs are increasingly important as more people are diagnosed with cancer and living well beyond initial diagnosis and treatment. Consequently, cancer is joining the ranks of chronic conditions (e.g., asthma, diabetes) for which ongoing, long-term surveillance and management should be the model of care. However, the post-treatment period is fraught with uncertainty for patients and care providers. The "who, what, and when" of follow-up care, in particular, can be complex and confusing. Therefore, survivorship care plans (SCPs) are recommended. The Minnesota Cancer Alliance, a coalition working to improve quality of life for cancer survivors, developed a patient-focused SCP. This user-friendly SCP could be considered for use in patient care-particularly by nurses, who are well suited and positioned to implement SCPs.

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    publication date
  • 2013
  • published in


  • Cancer
  • Patient Care Planning
  • Survivors
  • Additional Document Info

  • 17
  • issue
  • 3