Community Preventive Services Task Force 2013 Annual Report to Congress and to Agencies Related to the Work of the Task Force Report uri icon


  • The Community Preventive Services Task Force (Task Force) is an independent, non-Federal, uncompensated panel of public health and prevention experts whose mandate is to identify community preventive programs, services, and policies that save American lives and dollars, increase longevity, and improve quality of life. To date, the Task Force has made 228 findings and recommendations about interventions to promote healthful lifestyles, encourage a healthy environment, and help ensure that all Americans have access to early, affordable, and appropriate treatment.

    The intent of the 2013 Annual Report to Congress and future reports is to feature the efforts of the Community Preventive Services Task Force related to a topic of high relevance to reducing the burden that preventable disease, injury, and disability places on individuals, families, businesses, communities, and the health system. For the 2013 report, cardiovascular disease—commonly known as “heart disease and stroke”—is the focal point.

    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the nation’s number one killer of both men and women. This report describes how the Task Force arrives at proven, evidence-based recommendations for ways to strengthen public health efforts to prevent CVD, save lives, and make better use of our health resources. The report additionally highlights where research and program evaluation are needed to fill gaps in the evidence, to further prevent and reduce CVD.

    This 2013 report and future reports will also summarize the full list of prevention opportunities reviewed by the Task Force, list key accomplishments since the previous report, and lay out priorities and plans for coming years.

  • publication date
  • 2013
  • Research

  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Health Promotion
  • Prevention