Implementation of a business intelligence tool to enhance the quality, use, and acceptance of the VDW [presentation] Presentation uri icon
  • Background/Aims: Given the amount of efforts and resources used to develop and implement the VDW across the HMORN improving data accessibility and quality, while maintaining data security and privacy, is a critical component to increasing our informatics capabilities within the HMORN. Use of Business Intelligence (BI) software is one solution due to its ability to process vast amounts of data extremely fast and efficiently. Methods: The emergence of BI tools that leverage data compression and in memory processing technology is a growing industry. Several BI software packages are being marketed to analyze and manage large amounts of summary and transactional data to give executives and managers direct access to information to run their business via dashboards while allowing users the capability of analyze results by drilling deeper through levels of data down to transaction details as access controls allow. By applying a BI tool to the HPRF VDW instance we have improved the accessibility and quality of our local VDW and we are only scratching the surface of this tool’s capabilities. Results: Application of this BI tool to demystify the content and quality of the data stored in HealthPartners’ VDW. Three types of tools have been developed using BI at HPRF. 1) Sets of Quality Assurance (QA) dashboards written against our VDW to expand our QA efforts and increase the data integrity across tables. 2) An ‘i2b2’ type query tool which enables programming staff, and ultimately investigators, to easily query and report summary data for preparatory to research requests. 3) A subject profiling tool exhibits a research subject’s health history and demographics leveraged within projects given IRB approval. Additional administrative uses of the tool at HPRF include project tracking, financial reporting, and productivity reporting. Conclusions: Our application of BI tools has advanced the use of VDW by increasing the quality and improving access for preparatory to research analysis. Our BI package has become the tool of choice for development of additional VDW analytical tools. Its use continues to spread to other areas of our organization as it is better understood and our BI programming skills expand.

  • Research
  • Data Systems
  • Informatics
  • Research Support