OBJECTIVE: To determine the level of interest in standardization of design for fracture fixation implants within the orthopaedic trauma community. METHODS: A survey regarding implant removal concerns and implant design preferences was electronically distributed to members of Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA). RESULTS: Three hundred thirty respondents participated in the survey (response rate of 19%) Only 2.4% of respondents indicated a consistent ability to identify the implant vendor and/or manufacturer of retained implants in the preoperative planning phase of care; >75% of respondents reported investing a minimum of an additional 30 minutes to their operative times to remove screw(s) to successfully extract a plate. More than 80% of respondents reported multiple occurrences requiring modification of their surgical plans because of implants that could not be removed, preventing the completion of the planned procedure. The majority of respondents expressed interest in the adoption of standardized locking head screws for mini, small, and large screw sizes sets (63.5%); 84.8% of respondents desire standardization of screw head and driver sizes across the industry. Also, 83.6% of respondents expressed interest in the adoption of a standardized locking screw head for each cannulated screw, regardless of manufacturer. CONCLUSIONS: Members of the orthopaedic community, as represented in the membership of the OTA, are interested in the adoption of universal standards in implant design. Establishing standard screw heads and drivers will optimize the delivery of operative care.