Provider perspectives on components, timing and sources of a colorectal cancer survivor care plan [poster] Conference Poster uri icon


  • Objective : While much has been written about the value of cancer survivor care plans (SCPs), little has been done to examine what stakeholders want in such tools. A project is underway to assess essential elements of a colorectal cancer SCP from the perspective of providers and survivors. This presentation includes data from providers.
    Methods : A total of 60 providers will be invited to participate in a survey. Part One assesses desired content (elements rated as very, somewhat, not at all important). Part Two examines when and how to introduce SCPs. Subjects are chosen from among HealthPartners and Minnesota Cancer Alliance (MCA) organizations (oncology physicians and nurses, social workers, surgeons, radiologists and primary care).
    Results : To date, 42 HealthPartners providers have been surveyed with a response rate of 66% to Part One and 55% to Part Two. Over 90% rated the following as very important: tumor site and stage, long-term side effects, signs of recurrence, frequency of surveillance tests and oncology follow-up visits, information on sexual issues, and depression/anxiety. Over half (61%) would introduce an SCP at treatment completion. Oncologist providers (83-91%), online sources (35%), primary care providers (22%) were considered sources of SCP information. Results from surveys conducted within HealthPartners and MCA organizations will be presented.
    Conclusions : Providers have identified components (diagnostic and follow-up information and key psychosocial issues) essential to a colorectal cancer survivor care plan. Knowledge of the fundamental components from the provider perspective will help focus care plan efforts to better meet the needs of survivors.

  • publication date
  • 2010
  • Research

  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Patient Care Planning
  • Survivors