BACKGROUND: Distal radius fractures (DRFs) are common orthopaedic injuries. They can be treated in many ways, but the volar locking plate (VLP) is more frequent. Currently, there is limited information regarding the minimum clinically important difference (MCID) in surgically treated DRFs. The purpose of this study was to calculate MCID values for the Patient-Reported Wrist Evaluation (PRWE) in the setting of VLP-treated DRFs. METHODS: A retrospective review was conducted for patients with isolated, surgically-treated DRFs with a VLP. Exclusions included any concomitant procedure other than a carpal tunnel release, skeletal immaturity, polytrauma, open fracture, or missing PRWE data. MCID was calculated using PRWE, an overall health question, and the anchor-based method. RESULTS: A total of 131 patients were identified. Approximately 54.2% injured their dominant hand. AO/OTA classification 23C was the most common (n=89, 67.9%). Average baseline, 6-week, and 12-week PRWE were 71.8 ± 19.6, 34.3 ± 20.1, and 21.2 ± 18.0 respectively. This corresponds to an average change from baseline PRWE at 6 weeks and 12 weeks of -37.5 ± 23.4 and -50.6 ± 22.3, respectively. Average MCID values for 6 weeks and 12 weeks were 43.1 ± 18 and 56.0 ± 20.0, respectively (p<0.001). Hand dominance did not correlate with MCID value (r(s) = 0.084 at six weeks, r(s) = 0.099 at 12 weeks). MCID value additionally did not correlate with sex, AO/OTA classification, smoking status, ASA score, or BMI. Treatment at a level 1 trauma center and diagnosis of anxiety and/or depression correlated with a higher 6-week MCID value (r(s) = 0.308 and r(s) = 0.410, respectively). Increasing age weakly correlated with higher 12-week MCID value (r(s) = 0.352). CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated an MCID calculation using an overall health anchor. MCID value varied with follow-up time and correlated weakly with age, diagnosis of anxiety and/or depression, and treatment facility, but it did not correlate with injury of the dominant hand. Future research should analyze how to apply MCID and identify successful treatment in the setting of DRF care.