Quantification of the passive behavior of the glenohumeral joint: a biomechanical study
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  • Shoulder stabilization and arthroplasty procedures aim to restore the complex motion innate to the glenohumeral joint relying on proper tensioning of the surrounding soft-tissues at the time of surgery. Joint instability remains a leading cause for revisions of these procedures necessitating a deeper understanding of the passive constraint of the intact glenohumeral joint. The current literature lacks comprehensive analysis of the passive glenohumeral joint in all degrees-of-freedom (DOF). The objective of the present study is to better understand this complex joint by quantifying the passive laxity of the glenohumeral joint in multiple DOFs over a range of motion. Sixteen fresh-frozen cadaveric shoulders were tested in the intact state using a robotic simulator capable of six-DOF motion. The limits of range of motion was quantified in separate laxity tests applying a ± 2 Nm internal-external (IE) torque, ±20 N anterior-posterior (AP) force, ±20 N superior-inferior (SI) force and a 44 N distraction force at six levels of glenohumeral abduction. Overall, glenohumeral joint laxity was greatest between 15° and 45° of abduction except for SI translation which increased with abduction. IE rotation and AP translation were dominated by external rotation and anterior translation, respectively. Although early abduction and late abduction produced similar laxities, the increase in laxity in the mid abduction range indicates it is important to assess the shoulder joint throughout the range of motion and not just at these two end points. The presented laxity data establishes a baseline for intact shoulder laxity over a range of motion in multiple DOFs under known loading conditions.

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    publication date

  • 2023
  • published in



  • Glenohumeral joint, soft-tissue
  • Orthopedics
  • Passive constraint
  • Shoulder
  • Shoulder biomechanics
  • Surgery
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  • 163