BACKGROUND: The recent increase in opioid misuse and overdose among the Hispanic population signifies the need for an initiative to increase efforts in pain management in the Hispanic population. Yoga is an evidence-based therapeutic intervention that is effective for several pain-associated disorders. However, in the United States, it is primarily taught in English and not always accessible. This quality improvement (QI) project aimed to assess the outcome of implementing a yoga program on pain and quality of life in the Hispanic population. METHODS: Twenty Spanish-speaking community center members participated in a linguistically-tailored yoga program over the course of 10 weeks that included educational, demonstration, and practice videos. Outcome measures of the QI program included changes in pain interference, physical function, opioid medication use, the overall impression of change in pain, satisfaction with the program, and the likelihood of continuation of yoga practice. RESULTS: Data collected from participants (n = 16) after the 10-week period indicated that nearly 60% experienced an improvement in their overall impression of change in pain; their reported likelihood of continuation of yoga practice at home or another location were 6.8 and 7.4, respectively, on a 10-point scale. While pain interference was unaffected, there was an improvement in markers of physical function, including a two-fold improvement in general activity without limitations. The mean average intensity of pain decreased by 33%. CONCLUSION: The use of a linguistically-tailored yoga program improved self-reported overall pain, physical function, average intensity of pain, and initiated an interest in participants in utilizing yoga practice for self-management of pain. This QI project provides results that can be used for further implementation initiatives at other sites and consideration of use in diverse populations.