As health care costs continue to rise and health disparities persist, the need to redesign our health care system to deliver better, more equitable care is paramount—and we must have a strong evidence base grounded in the needs of our communities to inform this work. In response to this urgent need, AcademyHealth launched a project with funding from The Donaghue Foundation to advance research on high-value, equitable care. The project set out to:
• frame and define high-value, equitable care;
• generate a research agenda aimed at improving health care value and equity;
• disseminate and gain traction for the research agenda; and
• foster a diverse and inclusive research community focused on high-value, equitable care.
This report outlines the background, context, rationale, and methods for a newly developed research agenda dedicated to advancing high-value, equitable health care. AcademyHealth worked in close collaboration with key stakeholders to ensure our efforts address the needs of health care systems, researchers, patients, communities, and policymakers at every level, local, state and federal. By addressing the complexities of health disparities and articulating the significance of prioritizing value, we aim to pave the way for informed discussions and actionable insights that contribute to the overarching goal of advancing health equity for all.