Centrally delivered curriculum to create consistency in community pharmacy and ambulatory care APPEs [abstract] Abstract uri icon


  • Objectives: To describe the development of a centrally-managed online curriculum to promote consistency and complement on-site learning during community pharmacy (CP) and ambulatory care (AC) APPE rotations. Method: Ensuring consistency and quality in student learning experiences during APPE can be challenging, particularly in a volunteer preceptor model. Course directors overseeing CP and AC APPE rotations worked with stakeholders to identify gaps in student experiences across sites in these core required experiences, and subsequently created a structured curriculum delivered through a learning management system. Curriculum was intentionally designed and implemented to complement on-site clinical learning by requiring content not consistently covered on site. Results: Core areas that were considered critical and not consistently addressed by sites included: evidencebased medicine (e.g. having journal clubs, using the PICO model), practice management (e.g. discussing quality measurement, understanding payment issues), case presentations, and cultural competency. Activities were developed to address these topics and managed centrally online by course directors and clinical faculty. The format was intentionally designed to drive peer-to-peer interaction through peer reviews and discussion forums in an attempt to allow students to learn from other sites, settings, preceptors, and perspectives. Implications: CP and AC have similar APPE outcome goals and can be synergistically combined to create a CPAC curriculum that promotes consistency and promotes sharing across rotation sites to enhance learning outcomes.

  • authors
    publication date
  • 2017
  • Research

  • Education, Medical
  • Pharmacists
  • Additional Document Info

  • 81
  • issue
  • 5