Application of an entrustable professional activity model in advanced pharmacy practice experience assessment [abstract] Abstract uri icon


  • Objectives: To apply the entrustable professional activity (EPA) model to assess student performance on educational outcomes for advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) assessment. Method: The assessment of professional tasks and practice activities through the use of EPAs has been successfully implemented in medical education for assessing trainee preparation for practice. This EPA model is being applied to our pharmacy education to develop an assessment framework across the APPE curriculum. APPE course directors, practice faculty, and the Office of Experiential Education collaboratively defined a set of universal EPAs that are critical for pharmacists in any practice setting that will be assessed in all rotation types. Additionally, course directors have defined rotation type-specific EPAs unique to pharmacists working in ambulatory, acute, community, and institutional care. Results: Performance on EPAs will be used in two assessment approaches: individual preceptor assessment for APPE performance, and objective competency examinations of all students during the APPE year. Progress to acceptable level of entrustment for each EPA will be assessed by preceptors using a four-level scale with minimum levels of performance required. Universal EPAs will also be used to assess performance on an objective case-based performance examination to be administered mid-APPE year. Passing this examination is required for advancing to the remaining APPE blocks, and ultimately for graduation. Implications: It is anticipated that applying EPAs to two assessment strategies will clarify expectations for both students and preceptors. EPAs will also allow preceptors to translate assessment decisions based on activities students have demonstrated as a part of usual practice throughout the rotation.

  • publication date
  • 2015
  • Research

  • Delivery of Health Care
  • Drugs and Drug Therapy
  • Education, Medical
  • Pharmacists
  • Additional Document Info

  • 79
  • issue
  • 5