Strategies for exceeding standards 11 and 24: Interprofessional Education (IPE) and assessment [abstract]
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  • Objective/Intent: To prepare collaboration-ready graduates for team-based care in redesigned healthcare delivery systems. Methods/Process: Pharmacists must collaborate in order to provide the highest levels of care for patients. The preparation of pharmacy graduates to function effectively in high-performing teams focuses on Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and Lencioni and Tuckman teamwork principles of effective team functioning. A multifaceted strategy is being used for engaging students in developing fundamental team-based skills in combination with IPE awareness and immersion experiences across all four years of the curriculum, recognizing that collaboration-ready is essential to intra,- as well as inter-professional settings. Pharmacy is utilizing the entrustable professional activity (EPA) and milestone strategy to ensure all students aremeeting graduation standards for generalist pharmacy practice, using units of professional activity that require collaboration skills. Additionally, EPAs are being applied to Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience assessment and include effective collaboration as a graduation standard for generalist pharmacy practice. Results/Outcomes: An IPE focused EPA has been developed as a part of a broader effort to revise experiential education assessment. Students will have to demonstrate achievement of this EPA in: 1) practice with preceptors on each core required rotation (acute, ambulatory, community, institutional) and, 2) in a high stakes objective performance assessment required for graduation. In this respect, students must demonstrate collaboration skills within and across teams throughout both the didactic and experiential curriculum. Implications: Graduates fromthe University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy will be collaboration-ready for intra,- and inter-professional team-based care required in redesigned healthcare delivery systems.

  • publication date

  • 2015
  • Research


  • Delivery of Health Care
  • Drugs and Drug Therapy
  • Education, Medical
  • Pharmacists
  • Additional Document Info


  • 79
  • issue

  • 5