American Journal of Public Health Journal uri icon
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  • Reduction in US health care spending required to meet the Institute of Medicine's 2030 target 2020
  • Multicomponent obesity prevention intervention in low-income preschoolers: primary and subgroup analyses of the NET-Works Randomized Clinical Trial, 2012-2017 2018
  • Health profiles of newly arrived refugee children in the United States, 2006-2012 2016
  • Health profiles of newly arrived refugee children in the United States, 2006-2012 2016
  • Increasing hepatitis B vaccine prevalence among refugee children arriving in the United States, 2006-2012 2016
  • A framework for describing health care delivery organizations and systems 2015
  • A qualitative inquiry about pruno, an illicit alcoholic beverage linked to botulism outbreaks in United States prisons 2015
  • Influenza vaccine text message reminders for urban, low-income pregnant women: a randomized controlled trial 2014
  • Text4Health: impact of text message reminder-recalls for pediatric and adolescent immunizations 2012
  • Neighborhood socioeconomic status and cognitive function in women 2011
  • Preventing chronic disease in the workplace: a workshop report and recommendations 2011
  • A randomized clinical trial evaluating online interventions to improve fruit and vegetable consumption 2010
  • Changes in Tdap and MCV4 vaccine coverage following enactment of a statewide requirement of Tdap vaccination for entry into sixth grade 2010
  • Bioterrorism surveillance and privacy: intersection of HIPAA, the Common Rule, and public health law 2008
  • Smoking and cessation behaviors among young adults of various educational backgrounds 2007
  • Somali and Oromo refugees: correlates of torture and trauma history 2004
  • I hear you: seeking population health common ground [editorial].  113. 2023
  • The potential and challenges for common ground on abortion [editorial].  113. 2023
  • section [editorial].  110. 2020
  • Healthier people: setting targets for life expectancy and health care expenditures [editorial].  110. 2020