Critical Care Medicine Journal uri icon
publication venue for
  • Surgical science and the evolution of critical care medicine 2023
  • Can we always trust the wisdom of the body? 2022
  • Paradoxical positioning: does "head up" always improve mechanics and lung protection? 2022
  • Time course of evolving ventilator-induced lung injury: the "shrinking baby lung" 2020
  • Conditional hemodynamic tolerance to decremental recruitment of the "open lung" 2018
  • Outcomes in patients with vasodilatory shock and renal replacement therapy treated with intravenous Angiotensin II 2018
  • Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of sepsis and septic shock: 2016 2017
  • Strain rate and cycling frequency-The "dynamic duo" of injurious tidal stress 2016
  • Impact of chest wall modifications and lung injury on the correspondence between airway and transpulmonary driving pressures 2015
  • Recruitment maneuvers modulate epithelial and endothelial cell response according to acute lung injury etiology 2013
  • Value and limitations of transpulmonary pressure calculations during intra-abdominal hypertension 2013
  • Experimental intra-abdominal hypertension attenuates the benefit of positive end-expiratory pressure in ventilating effusion-compressed lungs* 2012
  • Impact of pressure profile and duration of recruitment maneuvers on morphofunctional and biochemical variables in experimental lung injury 2011
  • Pleural effusion complicates monitoring of respiratory mechanics 2011
  • Can we prevent the spread of focal lung inflammation? 2010
  • Recruitment maneuver in experimental acute lung injury: the role of alveolar collapse and edema 2010
  • Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008 2008
  • Effects of L-NAME and inhaled nitric oxide on ventilator-induced lung injury in isolated, perfused rabbit lungs 2004
  • Effects of ventilatory pattern on experimental lung injury caused by high airway pressure 2004
  • Intercomparison of recruitment maneuver efficacy in three models of acute lung injury 2004
  • Transient hemodynamic effects of recruitment maneuvers in three experimental models of acute lung injury 2004
  • Ventilatory management of acute respiratory distress syndrome: a consensus of two 2004
  • Pulmonary microvascular fracture in a patient with acute respiratory distress syndrome 2002
  • Relative roles of vascular and airspace pressures in ventilator-induced lung injury 2001
  • Selective tracheal gas insufflation during partial liquid ventilation improves lung function in an animal model of unilateral acute lung injury 2001
  • Prone positioning attenuates and redistributes ventilator-induced lung injury in dogs 2000
  • Prone position and COVID-19: mechanisms and effects [editorial].  50. 2022
  • Dealing with the CARDS of COVID-19 [editorial].  48. 2020
  • Hysteresis as an indicator of recruitment and ventilator-induced lung injury risk [editorial].  48. 2020
  • Burn resuscitation: don't forget the feeds [editorial].  46. 2018
  • Clinical deployment of the esophageal balloon catheter-making the case [editorial].  45. 2017
  • Should we embrace the "open lung" approach [editorial]?.  44. 2016
  • Thanks for the memories [invited editorial].  44. 2016
  • Fluid resuscitation: less is more [editorial].  42. 2014
  • Spontaneous breathing, extrapulmonary CO(2) removal, and ventilator-induced lung injury risk: less power to the people [editorial]?.  42. 2014
  • Monitoring breathing effort: a work in progress [editorial].  41. 2013
  • Position, positive end-expiratory pressure, and obstructive obesity [editorial].  41. 2013
  • Too much for too long-wrong targets, wrong timing [editorial]?.  41. 2013
  • Does positive end-expiratory pressure improve CO(2) exchange in controlled ventilation of acute airflow obstruction [editorial]?.  39. 2011
  • Does mechanical ventilation "hit" the lungs [editorial]?.  36. 2008
  • Managing traumatic brain injury: what is the evidence [editorial]?.  36. 2008
  • Meta-analysis: convenient assumptions and inconvenient truth [editorial].  36. 2008
  • Excellence in intensive care medicine [review] 2016
  • Lung injury--settle for a sketch or design a blueprint [review]? 2008
  • Propagation prevention: a complementary mechanism for "lung protective" ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome [review] 2008
  • The pulmonary artery catheter: in medio virtus [review] 2008