Journal of Travel Medicine Journal uri icon
publication venue for
  • Leveraging community advisory boards within travel medicine to help reduce malaria incidence in refugees, immigrants and migrants visiting friends and relatives abroad: reflections from the Minnesota Malaria Community Advisory Board on patient-provider interactions 2024
  • Costs of malaria treatment in the United States 2023
  • Antimalarial chemoprophylaxis and treatment in the USA: limited access and extreme price variability 2022
  • Barriers to malaria prevention in US-based travellers visiting friends and relatives abroad: a qualitative study of West African immigrant travellers 2019
  • Community-based participatory research in travel medicine to identify barriers to preventing malaria in VFR travellers 2019
  • Prescription drug-dispensing limits in the USA-implications for malaria chemoprophylaxis among VFR travellers 2018
  • Chikungunya: acute fever, rash and debilitating arthralgias in a returning traveler from Haiti 2014
  • Safety of the yellow fever vaccine: a retrospective study 2013
  • Appendectomy to remember 2009
  • Biliary liver flukes (Opisthorchiasis and Clonorchiasis) in immigrants in the United States: often subtle and diagnosed years after arrival 2004
  • Traveling with infants and children. Part IV: insect avoidance and malaria prevention 2003
  • Traveling with infants and children. Part 2: immunizations 2002
  • Traveling with infants and young children. Part I: Anticipatory guidance: travel preparation and preventive health advice 2001
  • Pre-travel consultation and hepatitis B: a double opportunity for preventing infection in at-risk patients and life-threatening complications in HBV carriers [editorial].  20. 2013