Prehospital Emergency Care Journal uri icon


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  • Elimination of emergency department ambulance divert during the COVID-19 pandemic was not associated with an increase in the average number of ambulance arrivals per day 2024
  • Prehospital COVID-19-related encounters predict future hospital utilization 2023
  • Ketamine use in prehospital and hospital treatment of the acute trauma patient: a joint position statement 2020
  • A case of neurologically intact survival after 2 hours and 50 minutes of euthermic cardiac arrest treated with mechanical CPR and intra-arrest percutaneous coronary intervention 2019
  • Intraosseous pressure monitoring in healthy volunteers 2017
  • Achieving a safe endotracheal tube cuff pressure in the prehospital setting: is it time to revise the standard cuff inflation practice? 2016
  • Effect of system-wide interventions on the assessment and treatment of pain by emergency medical services providers 2016
  • Comparison of success rates between two video laryngoscope systems used in a prehospital clinical trial 2014
  • Prehospital oxygen administration for chest pain patients decreases significantly following implementation of the 2010 AHA guidelines 2014
  • Longitudinal and regional trends in paramedic student exposure to advanced airway placement: 2001-2011 2013
  • Laryngospasm and hypoxia after intramuscular administration of ketamine to a patient in excited delirium 2012
  • The emergency department experience with prehospital ketamine: a case series of 13 patients 2012
  • Resuscitation center designation: recommendations for emergency medical services practices 2010
  • Bispectral index monitoring in helicopter emergency medical services patients 2009
  • Use of the King LTS-D during medication-assisted airway management 2009
  • Effect of paramedic student internship on performance on the National Registry Written Exam 2008
  • Consecutive field trials using two different intraosseous devices 2007
  • Paramedic student adherence to the National Standard Curriculum recommendations 2007
  • Prehospital rapid-sequence intubation: a pilot training program 2003
  • Ability of EMT-Bs to determine which wounds can be repaired in the field 2000
  • Administration of prehospital pain medication compared to eventual need among subjects of a randomized controlled trial [abstract] 2017
  • Characterization of injury at the Minnesota State Fair using geospatial information [abstract] 2017
  • Does the use of video laryngoscopy improve first-time success rates or overall success rates in HEMS [abstract]? 2017
  • Reduced-dose ketamine for emergent chemical restraint [abstract] 2017
  • Use of the Lucas-2 device in helicopter EMS: is it safe [abstract]? 2017
  • Factors associated with appropriate spinal immobilization and long backboard use [abstract] 2016
  • Impact of the NAEMSP guidelines for spinal immobilization and long backboard application on usage rates between 2010 and 2014 [abstract] 2016
  • Intraosseous pressure monitoring in healthy volunteers [abstract] 2016
  • Cadaver laboratory experience for teaching prehospital procedures to EMS fellows [abstract] 2014
  • Evaluation of the hemodynamic synergy between an impedence threshold device and the LUCAS 2 automated CPR device in a pig model of cardiac arrest [abstract] 2014
  • Prehospital ketamine does not prolong on-scene time compared to haloperidol when used for chemical restraint [abstract] 2014
  • Alternative airway use by paramedics after video laryngoscope failure [abstract] 2013
  • Comparison of success rates between two video laryngoscope systems used in a prehospital clinical trial [abstract] 2013
  • Determinants of ventricular fibrillation incidence as first-recorded rhythm during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and association with long-term neurologic outcomes [abstract] 2013
  • Does health status influence the willingness to provide informed consent? Results from a cardiac arrest trial conducted under waiver of informed consent [abstract] 2013
  • Facilitation of uninterrupted chest compressions by paramedics: the role of the video laryngoscope [abstract] 2013
  • Modified Rankin score at hospital discharge is predictive of one-year neurologic function in survivors after cardiac arrest [abstract] 2013
  • Survival from hospital discharge to one year after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a comparison of standard CPR versus active compression-decompression CPR plus an impedance threshold device [abstract] 2013
  • Active compression-decompression cardiopulmonary resuscitation and augmentation of negative intrathoracic pressure is neuroprotective in patients with an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest [abstract] 2012
  • Descriptive review of the subsequent notification process of an exception from informed consent clinical trial [abstract] 2012
  • Impairment of carotid artery blood flow by supraglottic airway use in a swine model of cardiac arrest [abstract] 2012
  • Improvement of long-term neurologic function after sudden cardiac death and resuscitation: impact of CPR method and post-resuscitation care [abstract] 2012
  • Use of an impedance threshold device with active compression-decompression CPR improves survival with good neurologic function following cardiac arrest from nontraumatic ETI [abstract] 2012
  • Evaluation of 4 different video laryngoscopes in a simulated difficult airway scenario: the EMESIS Trial [abstract] 2011
  • Is a cut score of 61 on the HOBET still cutting the mustard [abstract]? 2011
  • Let 'em play in the street: optimizing internship rotations for paramedic student competency [abstract] 2011
  • Paramedic education programs: an analysis of cognitive success based on educational insitution type [abstract] 2011
  • Paramedic program entrance exams as a predictor of student success [abstract] 2011
  • Training emergency medical services providers in the use of the Emergency Severity Index: a pilot study [abstract] 2011
  • Trends in paramedic student exposure to advanced airway placement: 2001-2009 [abstract] 2011
  • Use of the King LTS-D as a primary airway over rapid-sequence intubation medications: a prospective, consecutive case series [abstract] 2011
  • Comparison of provider time to ventilation in advanced airway procedures: a laboratory simulation trial [abstract] 2010
  • Effect of time from initial training to field placement of the King LTS-D: the Advanced Airway Research Trial [abstract] 2010
  • Is time to insertion different between standard endotracheal intubation and the King LTS-D supraglottic airway [abstract]? 2010
  • Pediatric field endotracheal intubation success rates: comparison of paramedic students and their working paramedic preceptors [abstract] 2010
  • The Advanced Airway Research Trial: a multicenter, prospective, randomized trial comparing standard endotracheal intubation and the King LTS-D supraglottic airway under RSI conditions [abstract] 2010