Laura M. Furda-Raine, MD
Dermatology Residency Program Director

Ever since medical school, I have had a passion for teaching -- teaching patients, teaching medical students and then teaching my fellow residents. During my time as clinical faculty in the HealthPartners Institute Dermatology Residency, that passion has grown and I have focused much of my career on teaching and mentoring residents. As a medical dermatologist, I have a true passion for complex medical dermatology and enjoy passing on this knowledge to rotating residents so that they feel very comfortable managing these patients on their own after graduation.

My goal with our residency program is to foster a broad knowledge base so that residents feel very comfortable with all facets of dermatology. With a very large clinical faculty, we work hard to expose residents to many different attendings, teaching styles, practices styles and ultimately work hard to develop a well rounded dermatologist.

Education and training: College of St. Benedict, Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude 2000-2004. University of Minnesota Medical School, MD, 2004-2008. University of Minnesota Internal Medicine-Dermatology Residency 2008-2013, Chief Resident 2012-2013.

Current title: 

  • General clinical dermatologist
  • Medical Dermatologist

Specialty: Dermatology

Faculty appointments: HealthPartners Institute, Dermatology Residency Program director

Interests specific to education: My specific educational interests are in delivering medical dermatology case series, doing boards related jeopardy with the residents and generally fostering resident well-being.

full name
  • Laura M. Furda-Raine, MD
  • Quick Info