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B. R. Asplin All authors
Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Journal Article
  • Teaching and clinical efficiency: competing demands
    Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2012
  • Developing a standardized faculty evaluation in an emergency medicine residency
    Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2010
  • Modafinil and zolpidem use by emergency medicine residents
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2009
  • Referral without access: for psychiatric services, wait for the beep
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2009
  • The effect of emergency department crowding on education: blessing or curse?
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2009
  • Accuracy of staff-initiated emergency department tracking system timestamps in identifying actual event times
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2008
  • Substance use in emergency medicine training programs
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2008
  • Developing models for patient flow and daily surge capacity research
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2006
  • Insurance status and access to urgent ambulatory care follow-up appointments
    JAMA. 2005
  • Does improved access to care affect utilization and costs for patients with chronic conditions?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2004
  • Using online analytical processing to manage emergency department operations
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2004
  • A conceptual model of emergency department crowding
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2003
  • Emergency department crowding: consensus development of potential measures
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2003
  • Tying a knot in the unraveling health care safety net
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2001
  • Emergency medicine and the debate over the uninsured: a report from the task force on health care and the uninsured
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2000
  • Health policy report introduction
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2000
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    full name
  • B. R. Asplin
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