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A. M. Hanson All authors
Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Conference Poster
  • Performance on cognitive screening is associated with increased retrospective healthcare utilization [poster]
  • Routine cognitive screening in a neurology practice: impact on physician behavior [poster]
  • Failure on cognitive screening predicts increased healthcare utilization [poster]
  • Routine cognitive screening in a general neurology clinic: impact on physician behavior [poster]
  • How to engage patients and clinicians as research partners, and have fun, too [poster]
  • Improvements in self-efficacy and diabetes distress, but not glucose control, from individual diabetes education are sustained [poster]
  • Educator experience with group interactive dialogue to educate and activate (IDEA) using U.S. diabetes converation maps in the IDEA study [poster]
  • Patient evaluation of education using U.S. Diabetes Conversion maps in the IDEA study [poster]
  • Patient evaluation results of group education using conversation maps™ in the IDEA (Interactive Dialogue to Educate and Activate) study [poster]
  • Are diabetes patients with depression more likely to get routine care process measures [poster]?
  • Extraction, creation and quality of vital sign data of the HMORN VDW (Virtual Data Warehouse) [poster]
  • Extraction, creation and quality of vital sign data of the HMORN VDW (Virtual Data Warehouse) [poster]
  • Identifying depression among diabetes patients using natural language processing (NLP) of office notes [poster]
  • Social characteristics and health care utilization associated with exemption from immunization [poster]
  • Study recruitment challenges for a clinical trial of diabetes education interventions [poster]
  • Abstract
  • Are outcomes from diabetes self-management education sustained? A randomized controlled trial [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2012
  • Improved glycemic control from diabetes self-management education is not sustained [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Season, daylight, and A1c levels [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • A comparison of group and individual education for patients with sub-optimally controlled type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial [abstract 232-OR]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • Factors influencing completion in the IDEA diabetes education study [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2011
  • Journey for control of diabetes: the Interactive Dialogue to Educate and Activate (IDEA) Study – short-term results of a randomized controlled trial [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2011
  • Regional variation in response to diabetes education in the IDEA Study [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2011
  • The relationship between depression and completion of recommended self-management education [abstract 752-P]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • Identifying the underlying factors for diabetes care and attitudes [abstract]
    Value in Health. 2010
  • Short-term results of a randomized clinical trial of diabetes education on patient empowerment and psychological attributes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • The relationship between depression and attitudes, self-efficacy, self-care adherence and A1c in patients with suboptimally controlled diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Attitudes toward diabetes correlate with self-efficacy, clinical and behavioral outcomes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2009
  • Are diabetes patients with depression more likely to get routine care process measures [abstract]?
    Diabetes. 2008
  • Using natural language processing (NLP) to identify depression in diabetes patients [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2008
  • presentations
  • Educator experience with group interactive dialogue to educate and activate (IDEA) using conversation maps [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 15th Annual Conference: Clinical Effectiveness: Leadership in Comparative Effectiveness and Translational Research
  • Factors influencing completion in the IDEA diabetes education study [presentation], American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) 38th Annual Meeting
  • Identification of multiple chronic conditions that yield the highest impact of cognitive screening [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 21st Annual Conference: Care Improvement Research: Partnering with Patients, Providers and Operational Leaders
  • Identifying depression among diabetes patients using natural language processing of office notes [presentation], HMO Research Network 14th Annual Conference: Partnerships in Translation: Advancing Research and Clinical Care
  • Journey for control of diabetes: the interactive dialogue to educate and activate (IDEA) study: a randomized trial [presentation], Minnesota Health Services Research 15th Annual Conference
  • Patient evaluation results of group education using conversation maps™ in the IDEA (Interactive Dialogue to Educate and Activate) study [presentation], American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) Annual Meeting
  • Subject preferences in randomization assignment: comparison between randomized assignment preference, perceived intervention value, and personality type [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 18th Annual Conference--Learning Health Care Systems: Leading Through Research
  • Contact
    full name
  • A. M. Hanson
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