As a board-certified neurologist for over 25 years, I’ve worked across disciplines and teams to transform care for pain, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, and multiple sclerosis. These advancements take a patient-centered, holistic approach to diagnosis, prevention, and treatment that optimizes care delivery. I’ve continued to utilize the same systems approach as Regions Hospital Chief Medical Officer and Vice President of Medical Affairs to challenge and provide critical, disruptive innovations to clinical systems that advance quality of care, teach other health care providers best practices, and make inroads in the community to improve overall public health.
In addition, for more than a decade I’ve been a prominent, vocal advocate about the dangers of opioids. I’ve collaborated with our providers and other health systems to change opioid prescribing standards, increase patient education, and implement alternative pain management therapies.
I believe that coming together in partnership across communities through public health research, program development, and intervention measures, enhances population health and well-being. Ultimately, these steps will make us more successful at preventing and mitigating the impact of future health crises.