Three middle-aged women laugh as they talk and have coffee together.

Supporting hope and healing in and around Hudson

Since 1977, Hudson Hospital Foundation has served our communities by raising funds to support Hudson Hospital & Clinic, as well as other local nonprofits that advance health and well-being.

When we come together to help people find hope and healing, everyone else benefits, too. Working closely with hospital and clinic leaders – as well as our thousands of donors and community partners – we’ve helped fund innovative programs, modern care spaces, new medical technology, peaceful areas of healing, scholarships, grants, and so much more.

The generosity of caring donors makes every part of our work possible. Join us today and help continue to meet the health care needs of our growing communities in and around Hudson.

Hudson Hospital and Clinic's relaxation garden with chairs in the center for visiting, therapy or a moment alone.

Our healing environment

We display local and regional artists’ work throughout our campus. The artwork has been carefully selected for its ability to reduce stress and inspire healing, particularly for people going through challenging times. You’ll see art hanging in the halls, pottery on display around campus and outside gardens, including the Jayne Bachman’s Linger Longer Labyrinth. You can also experience aromatherapy and pet therapy, which help make our campus a place of serenity and healing.

Medical residents share notes during a class discussion.

Investing in a healthier future: grants and scholarships

Each year the foundation awards grants to support community-led health initiatives. We are introducing a simplified grant application process beginning in 2025. Community organizations interested in applying for funds are encouraged to email a letter of inquiry to the foundation by March 31. Following a review of all letters of inquiry, qualifying non-profit organizations will be invited via email to submit a grant application. More information about this new process is available here. Completed letters of inquiry can be sent to:

Current high school seniors at St. Croix Central and Hudson High School who are interested in pursuing healthcare-related careers are encouraged to contact the foundation directly for information regarding scholarship opportunities. Scholarship applications are due on February 28 and can be found here. For questions or for more information, please email us at:

Two employees holding a medication lock box.

Supporting behavioral health

Hudson Hospital is one of seven hospitals that has collaborated to bring skilled and licensed health professionals to patients in times of crises through our Emergency Department Behavioral Health Tele-Video Program.  The foundation actively supports the hospital in providing premier mental health care by funding behavioral health screening initiatives through the Hudson School District, purchasing medication lock boxes for patients, hosting meetings to share information on our Zero Suicide Initiative, and securing transportation for our patients voluntarily seeking in-patient behavioral health treatment. Your gift helps us continue and expand this important work.

About Hudson Hospital Foundation

Hudson Hospital Foundation is a nonprofit organization that serves the community by raising funds to support Hudson Hospital & Clinic, as well as other local health-related projects. We provide philanthropic opportunities, support, and direction to Hudson Hospital & Clinic and its community to further exceptional, personalized health care services.

The Foundation aims to build and cultivate authentic relationships to ensure a lifelong commitment to health care advancement for Hudson Hospital & Clinic. Many individuals, corporations, foundations and organizations have given gifts to Hudson Hospital Foundation. Their generous support provides opportunities for compassionate care, cutting-edge technology and training of the best health professionals.

Our mission and vision

Mission – To improve health and well-being in partnership with our members, patients and community.
Vision – Health as it could be, affordability as it must be, through relationships built on trust.