When you find out you have diabetes, it’s natural to have questions. How do I keep an eye on my blood sugar? Do I need insulin? What should I eat or avoid? Will I always have diabetes?
The good news is that the right treatments and guidance, along with a healthy diet and active lifestyle, can help you live a robust life with diabetes. We’ll introduce you to the resources you need to start feeling better.
Diabetes basics
Diabetes is a chronic disease where there’s too much sugar (glucose) in your blood. Normally, your pancreas makes a hormone called insulin to help convert blood sugar into energy. But with diabetes, your pancreas doesn’t make enough insulin or your body can’t process sugar efficiently. Your blood sugar levels can then be too high for too long. This can cause problems with your eyes, arteries, blood vessels, kidneys and nervous system over time.
With treatments that control your diabetes, you can help keep your blood sugar in check. Having the right amount of sugar in your blood helps protect your body, keeping you healthy so you can do what you enjoy.
Below, we’ll cover the main types of diabetes: type 1, type 2 (and prediabetes) and gestational diabetes.

Get personalized diabetes support services
Get customized resources, guidance and support from an experienced diabetes specialist – confidentially and at no extra cost. Your diabetes expert will work with you and your care team to create a plan to help control your blood sugar with the right combination of treatments for you.
Additional information and resources
Find out more about living with diabetes, including comprehensive guides, answers to frequently asked questions and first steps to take after a diagnosis:
Our health coaching services for weight management Answering the 10 most frequently asked questions about diabetes Where to begin when your child is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes What does having gestational diabetes mean for me and my baby? The complications of untreated diabetes – and how to avoid them More about type 1 diabetes More about type 2 diabetes More about prediabetes More about gestational diabetes International Diabetes Center – Developing advances in diabetes treatment and providing educational resources to patients and professionals