Parkinson’s disease support for members

If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, you may be wondering how the disease might affect your daily life. It’s normal to have questions about symptoms, treatment and more.

With the help of your care team and our experienced Parkinson’s support nurses, answers are available. We’ll help you find the right combination of treatments, medicines and additional assistance so you or your loved one can get the resources you need.

Parkinson’s disease basics

Parkinson’s is caused by the breakdown of a brain chemical called dopamine. Dopamine helps controls movement, and low levels of it results in movement issues and other health problems. Scientists are continuing to study why people get Parkinson’s. But the cause isn’t yet fully known.

Parkinson’s is the most common movement-related brain disease. It affects more than 10 million people worldwide. But it’s more common in men and people over 60.

Get customized resources, guidance and support from a nurse experienced with Parkinson’s disease – confidentially and at no extra cost. We’ll work with you and your care team to create a plan centered around what you need to reach your treatment goals.