Dental SimCare: building a simulation system to train dentists [poster] Conference Poster uri icon


  • Dentists tend to develop practice patterns based on the training they received in dental school. While their training was current at their graduation, over time, more recent research holds the potential to improve dental care. The aim of this study is to provide simulated complex dental cases to educate dentists with the latest evidence based approaches to practice.The Dental SimCare interactive simulation tool was designed in a highly stable environment, using technology stack, J2EE, oracle. In order to enhance realism and engage the dentist, game theory was used throughout. A simulated electronic dental record was constructed to allow the dentist to review dental case data and also to provide treatment plan based on patient's dental issues. A feedback engine platform compares the dentist's treatment plan for each case to the related Dental SimCare evidence-based recommendations. The Case Author module allows project staff to enter specifics of each case such as learning objectives, demographics, xrays, tooth chart and medications. The case author also determines which elements of the dentist's answers (treatment plan) will be evaluated and given feedback. For user convenience the Dental SimCare system can be run on any browser and is well-supported for tablet use. And yes there will be an app for this.

  • publication date
  • 2013
  • Research

  • Dental Care
  • Dentist's Practice Patterns
  • Dentistry
  • Education, Medical
  • Informatics