Systems science approaches to cardiovascular disease prevention and management in the era of COVID-19: a Humpty-Dumpty dilemma [review]?
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  • The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic necessitated the implementation and prioritizing of strict public health strategies to mitigate COVID-19 transmission and infection over all else. As we enter a 'recovery' phase in which the impact of the virus recedes (but does not relent), we ask, "How do we develop a game plan that considers prevention over management of public health threats of a more chronic nature, including cardiovascular disease?" We frame this choice point as a "Humpty-Dumpty" moment for public health with enduring and potentially irreversible consequences. Citing clear examples of other public health successes and failures, we outline in detail how sustaining cardiovascular population health under complex post-pandemic conditions will necessitate decision-making to be informed with a systems science approach, in which interventions, goals, outcomes and features of complex systems are carefully aligned.

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    publication date

  • 2023
  • published in



  • COVID-19
  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Coronavirus Infections
  • Prevention
  • Public Health
  • Systems Science
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  • 76