Brain death/death by neurologic criteria: what you need to know [review]
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  • Since the beginning of time, man has been intrigued with the question of when a person is considered dead. Traditionally, death has been considered the cessation of all cardiorespiratory function. At the end of the last century a new definition was introduced into the lexicon surrounding death in addition to cessation of cardiac and respiratory function: Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria (BD/DNC). There are medical, legal, ethical, and even theological controversies that surround this diagnosis. In addition, there is no small amount of confusion among medical practitioners regarding the diagnosis of BD/DNC. For families enduring the devastating development of BD/DNC in their loved one, it is the duty of the principal caregiver to provide a transparent presentation of the clinical situation and clear definitive explanation of what constitutes BD/DNC. In this report, we present a historical outline of the development of BD/DNC as a clinical entity, specifically how one goes about making a determination of BD/DNC, what steps are taken once a diagnosis of BD/DNC is made, a brief discussion of some of the ethical/moral issues surrounding this diagnosis, and finally the caregiver approach to the family of a patient who had been declared with BD/DNC. It is our humble hope that with a greater understanding of the myriad of complicated issues surrounding the diagnosis of BD/DNC that the bedside caregiver can provide needed closure for both the patient and the family enduring this critical time in their life.

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    publication date

  • 2024
  • Research


  • Brain
  • Critical Care
  • Mortality
  • Physical Examination
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  • 97
  • issue

  • 2