Minimally-invasive fixation for anterior pelvic ring disruptions [review] Review uri icon
  • Pelvic fractures are usually the result of high-energy trauma. In addition to the underlying disruption of the pelvic ring extensive damage to the surrounding soft tissue envelope might be present. Different fixation techniques have been developed including open plating, external fixation and transramus intraosseous screw fixation. Recently another method has been reported the so called pelvic Bridge or Infix technique. In this short review article the different techniques of pelvic fixation are described.

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    publication date
  • 2015
  • published in
  • Injury  Journal
  • Research
  • Fractures
  • Injuries
  • Orthopedics
  • Patient Satisfaction
  • Surgery
  • Additional Document Info
  • 46
  • issue
  • Suppl 3