BACKGROUND: Comprehensive medication management (CMM) services are a relatively new standard for clinical practice. A patient satisfaction tool for pharmacists providing comparable pharmacy services is essential for measuring quality and sustainability. OBJECTIVE: To develop a psychometrically valid questionnaire for measuring patient satisfaction for CMM services. METHODS: A patient satisfaction survey tool was developed through a multiphase development process. Validation studies were conducted across 2 urban ambulatory care health system settings providing CMM services. The survey consisted of 10 items related to 3 domains: medication-related needs, pharmacist-patient engagement, and overall satisfaction. Using a 4-point scale, the surveys were mailed, collected, and analyzed for descriptive statistics, internal consistency, and factorial composition. RESULTS: Total surveys returned for analysis numbered 195, with an overall survey response rate of 19.2%. Factor analysis and item analysis identified 1 factor of pharmacists' patient care services. The factor was named "patient satisfaction." CONCLUSIONS: The instrument that was developed provided 1 factor of CMM services. This brief patient satisfaction tool appears to be reliable and valid and may serve other CMM providers to assess 1 measure of quality assurance upon further evaluation. DISCLOSURES: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. All authors contributed to the study design. Kolar took the lead in data collection, along with Brummel and Eskstrand, with assistance from Moon. Data interpretation was performed by Moon, Kolar, Brummel, and Ekstrand, with assistance from Rehrauer. The manuscript was written by Moon, Holtan, Rehrauer, and Kolar, assisted by Brummel and Ekstrand. Revisions were carried out by Moon, Kolar, Brummel, and Ekstrand, with assistance from Holtan and Rehrauer.