Michael V. Maciosek, PhD
Senior Research Investigator
  • Senior Health Health Economist, Health economics 1998 -
  • member of
  • Health economics Health Economist 1998 -
  • Publications While At HealthPartners
    selected publications
    Journal Article
  • Use of sequential hot-deck imputation for missing health care systems data for population health research
    Medical Care. 2024
  • Illuminating a path forward for tobacco nation: projected impacts of recommended policies on geographic disparities
    Tobacco use insights. 2023
  • Aspirin use to prevent cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer: updated modeling study for the US Preventive Services Task Force
    JAMA. 2022
  • Budgetary impact from multiple perspectives of sustained antitobacco national media campaigns to reduce the harms of cigarette smoking
    Tobacco Control. 2021
  • Prevalence of cardiovascular disease and risk factors among Somali immigrants and refugees
    Journal of immigrant and minority health. 2021
  • Projecting the future impact of past accomplishments in tobacco control
    Tobacco Control. 2021
  • Cardiovascular events and costs with home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management for uncontrolled hypertension
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2020
  • Health and budgetary impact of achieving 10-year U.S. sodium reduction targets
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2020
  • Preventing breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer deaths: assessing the impact of increased screening
    Preventing Chronic Disease. 2020
  • The 20-year impact of tobacco price and tobacco control expenditure increases in Minnesota, 1998-2017
    PloS One. 2020
  • Twenty-year health and economic impact of reducing cigarette use: Minnesota 1998-2017
    Tobacco Control. 2020
  • Modeling the health and budgetary impacts of a team-based hypertension care intervention that includes pharmacists
    Medical Care. 2019
  • Economic evaluation of the home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist case management to control hypertension (Hyperlink) trial
    Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 2018
  • Long-term outcomes of the effects of home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management on blood pressure among adults with uncontrolled hypertension: follow-up of a cluster randomized clinical trial
    JAMA network open. 2018
  • Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of asymptomatic screening for hypertension and high cholesterol and aspirin counseling for primary prevention
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2017
  • Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of brief clinician tobacco counseling for youth and adults
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2017
  • Updated priorities among effective clinical preventive services
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2017
  • A statewide effort to implement collaborative care for depression: reach and impact for all patients with depression
    Medical Care. 2016
  • A substudy evaluating treatment intensification on medication adherence among hypertensive patients receiving home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management
    Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 2016
  • Aspirin for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer: a decision analysis for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
    Annals of Internal Medicine. 2016
  • Modeled health and economic impact of team-based care for hypertension
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016
  • Patient characteristics associated with greater blood pressure control in a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management
    Journal of the American Society of Hypertension. 2016
  • The financial impact of team-based care on primary care
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2016
  • Use of decision models in the development of evidence-based clinical preventive services recommendations: methods of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
    Annals of Internal Medicine. 2016
  • Using principles of complex adaptive systems to implement secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in primary care
    The Permanente journal. 2016
  • A stepped-wedge evaluation of an initiative to spread the collaborative care model for depression in primary care
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2015
  • A successful multifaceted trial to improve hypertension control in primary care: why did it work?
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2015
  • Smoking-attributable medical expenditures by age, sex, and smoking status estimated using a relative risk approach
    Preventive Medicine. 2015
  • Reducing childhood obesity through U.S. federal policy: a microsimulation analysis
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2014
  • The effect of depression treatment on work productivity
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2014
  • Designing and implementing research on a statewide quality improvement initiative: the DIAMOND study and initiative
    Medical Care. 2013
  • Effect of home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management on blood pressure control: a cluster randomized clinical trial
    JAMA. 2013
  • Adherence to blood pressure telemonitoring in a cluster-randomized clinical trial
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2012
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of screening for KRAS and BRAF mutations in metastatic colorectal cancer
    Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2012
  • Design and rationale for Home Blood Pressure Telemonitoring and Case Management to Control Hypertension (HyperLink): a cluster randomized trial
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2012
  • Severity of depression and magnitude of productivity loss
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2011
  • The association between health assessment-derived summary health scores and health care costs
    Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2011
  • Community-level incentives to increase the use of vaccination services in developing countries: an idea whose time has come?
    Vaccine. 2010
  • Greater use of preventive services in U.S. health care could save lives at little or no cost
    Health Affairs. 2010
  • Partnership research: a practical trial design for evaluation of a natural experiment to improve depression care
    Medical Care. 2010
  • Use and costs of care in retail clinics versus traditional care sites
    Health Affairs. 2008
  • Proactive recruitment of health plan smokers into telephone counseling
    Nicotine & tobacco research. 2007
  • Colorectal cancer screening: health impact and cost effectiveness
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2006
  • Influenza vaccination health impact and cost effectiveness among adults aged 50 to 64 and 65 and older
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2006
  • Priorities among effective clinical preventive services: methods
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2006
  • Priorities among effective clinical preventive services: results of a systematic review and analysis
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2006
  • Repeated tobacco-use screening and intervention in clinical practice: health impact and cost effectiveness
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2006
  • Births by day of week: a historical perspective
    Journal of midwifery & women's health. 2005
  • Cholesterol levels and statin use in patients with coronary heart disease treated in primary care settings
    Preventing Chronic Disease. 2005
  • Does improved access to care affect utilization and costs for patients with chronic conditions?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2004
  • Changes in physical activity and short-term changes in health care charges: a prospective cohort study of older adults
    Preventive Medicine. 2003
  • How acceptable are financial incentives and written feedback for improving hypertension control? Perspectives from physicians, clinic administrators, and patients
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2002
  • Methods for priority setting among clinical preventive services
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2001
  • Conference Poster
  • Long-term outcomes of a cluster-randomized trial testing the effects of blood pressure (BP) telemonitoring and pharmacist management on BP outcomes [poster]
  • Long-term outcomes of a cluster-randomized trial testing the effects of blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management [poster]
  • Improved self-efficacy and satisfaction with care among Hyperlink intervention patients [poster]
  • Outcomes at six months of a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist case management [poster]
  • COMPASS: evaluating an evolving and spreading innovation [poster]
  • Evaluation of EGAAP working group recommendations for identification of the Lynch Syndrome using intergenerational, microsimulation analysis [poster]
  • Evaluation of EGAAP working group recommendations for identification of the Lynch Syndrome using intergenerational, microsimulation analysis [poster]
  • Relationships matter! Modeling segregation and social networks to evaluate prevention services for STDs [poster]
  • Relationships matter! Modeling segregation and social networks to evaluate prevention services for STDs [poster]
  • DIAMOND Study: an innovative observational design model for patient-centered comparative effectiveness research [poster]
  • Provider and staff beliefs and attitudes about creating care systems for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in a private medical group [poster]
  • Summary health scores and health care costs [poster]
  • Electronic data collection for a clinical trial conducted within a health system [poster]
  • The DIAMOND Study [poster]
  • The impact of an HPV (human papillomavirus) upon strategies for cervical cancer screening [poster]
  • Abstract
  • Long-term effects on cardiovascular events of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist management in patients with uncontrolled hypertension [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • Qualitative data from a trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management (Hyperlink) [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Outcomes of a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist case management [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2013
  • A comparison of blood pressure measurements derived from primary care practice and research settings [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Comparison of ethnicity and race categorization in electronic medical records and by self-report [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Adherence to comprehensive interventions for management of uncontrolled hypertension [abstract]
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2011
  • Medication adherence in patients with uncontrolled blood pressure: results from the Hyperlink Study [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2011
  • Use of alternative lifestyle methods to control hypertension in individuals entering a blood pressure clinical trial [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2011
  • Home blood pressure telemonitoring and case management to control hypertension: HyperLink trial design and baseline characteristics [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Home blood pressure telemonitoring and case management to control hypertension: hyperlink design, baseline characteristics, and intervention adherence [abstract]
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2010
  • presentations
  • A microsimulation model of the natural history of smoking in the U.S. [presentation], HMO Research Network 16th Annual Conference: Emerging Frontiers in Healthcare Research and Delivery
  • Adherence to home blood pressure monitoring in patients with uncontrolled blood pressure [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 16th Annual Conference: Emerging Frontiers in Healthcare Research and Delivery
  • Adolescent and adult immunizations: health impact and cost-effectiveness [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 18th Annual Conference--Learning Health Care Systems: Leading Through Research
  • Comparative effectiveness research in genomics and personalized medicine for colorectal cancer [presentation], Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention Network (GAPPNet) Annual Meeting
  • Comparison of blood pressure measurements derived from primary care practice and research [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 18th Annual Conference--Learning Health Care Systems: Leading Through Research
  • Determining the lifetime effectiveness of community-based physical activity interventions [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 18th Annual Conference--Learning Health Care Systems: Leading Through Research
  • Impact of a learning healthcare network on depression outcomes: the DIAMOND initiative [presentation], NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) 22nd Conference on Mental Health Services (MHSR), MHSR 2014: Research in Pursuit of a Mental Health Care System
  • Intensive community engagement to address cardiovascular disease risk factors in the Somali community [presentation], AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting
  • Outcomes at six months of a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist case management [presentation], AHA Quality of Care and Outcomes Research 2012 Scientific Sessions
  • Overview of the National Commission on Prevention Priorities and its projects on clinical and community preventive services [presentation], Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • Predicted health and economic impact from the elimination of industrially-produced trans fatty acids in the United States [presentation], International Health Economics Association 2017 Biennial World Congress
  • Preventive services - prioritization of services [webinar], Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI)
  • Priorities for America's health: capitalizing on life-saving, cost-effective preventive services [presentation], American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo
  • Priorities for America's health: identifying highest-impact, highest-value services outside of primary care [presentation], American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo
  • Priorities for America's health: saving lives by closing gaps in key preventive services [presentation], American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo
  • Six-month blood pressure outcomes of an intensive telemonitoring intervention trial [presentation], American Heart Association Meeting: Quality of Care Outcomes Research (QCOR)
  • Taking advantage of natural QI (quality improvement) experiments for implementation research: a DIAMOND opportunity [presentation], HMO Research Network 14th Annual Conference: Partnerships in Translation: Advancing Research and Clinical Care
  • The impact of HPV vaccination upon optimal cervical cancer screening strategies [presentation], HMO Research Network 17th Annual Conference: Collaborations in Population-Based Health Research
  • Using microsimulation to inform targeted cardiovascular disease prevention policy [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 18th Annual Conference--Learning Health Care Systems: Leading Through Research
  • Using microsimulation to inform targeted cardiovascular disease prevention policy [presentation], American Society of Health Economists 4th Biennial Conference
  • Contact
    full name
  • Michael V. Maciosek, PhD
  • primary email
  • Michael.V.Maciosek@HealthPartners.Com
  • located in facility
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