Dr. Thierer is the Associate Dental Director, Primary and Pediatric Care, for HealthPartners Dental Clinics (HPDG) and the Program Director for the Regions Hospital Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD) program. He graduated from SUNY Buffalo School of Dental Medicine in 1988. Following graduation, he did a two year General Practice Residency (GPR) in Rochester, NY. He was faculty at the University of Rochester, Eastman Dental Center from 1990 until 2011 where he was Director of the GPR program and Medical Director of the Eastman Dental Center. He then joined the faculty of the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry as Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs from 2011 until 2018. Dr. Thierer joined HealthPartners in September of 2018.
Dr. Thierer's outside interests include: long distance running, hiking, biking and most outdoor activities.
He has an interest in managing medically compromised patients as well as other patients who have special needs.
Dr. Thierer has lectured nationally on a variety of topics and he is actively involved with organized dentistry, dental education and is a longtime volunteer at Hope Dental Clinic (formerly Union Gospel Mission).
Education and Training
BA, Chemistry, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1984
Glenn H. Leak Memorial Summer Oncology Fellowship Certificate, Rosewall Park Memorial Hospital, Buffalo, NY, 1987
DDS, Dentistry, State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine, 1988
Clinical Educators Fellowship, University of Rochester, 1991
General Practice Residency, Two-year Certificate, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, 1990
MPH, Public Health, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, 2002
Associate Dental Director
Primary and Pediatric Care
Director, Advanced Education in General Dentistry Program at HealthPartners
Specialty: General Dentistry
Interests specific to education: Postdoctoral General Dentistry Training
Faculty Appointments
University of Minnesota School of Dentistry, Adjunct Associate Professor - 2018 - Present
University of Minnesota School of Dentistry, Associate Professor - 2013 - 2018
University of Minnesota School of Dentistry, Clinical Associate Professor - 2011 – 2013
University of Rochester Department of Dentistry, Associate Professor - 1994 – 2011
University of Rochester Department of Dentistry, Assistant Professor - 1994 –2001
University of Rochester Department of Dentistry, Clinical Instructor - 1991 - 1994
University of Rochester Department of Dentistry, Part-Time Clinical Instructor - 1990 - 1991
Affiliations/other offices held:
Associate Dental Director, Primary and Pediatric Care, HealthPartners, Bloomington, MN - 2018 - Present
Director, Advanced Education in General Dentistry Program, Regions Hospital, St. Paul, MN - 2021 - Present
Associate Dean, Clinical Affairs, University of Minnesota School of Dentistry - 2011 – 2018
Acting Dean, University of Minnesota School of Dentistry - 8/31/16 – 11/19/16
Director, Ambulatory Dental Services, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, NY, 1998 – 2011
Medical Director, Article 28 Clinic, Eastman Dental Center, Rochester, NY - 2004-2011
Associate Chief of Dentistry, Rochester General Hospital, Rochester, NY - 1997 – 1999
Director, General Practice Residency Program, University of Rochester Medical Center - 1995 - 2011