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W. K. Yih All authors
Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Journal Article
  • Tinnitus after COVID-19 vaccination: findings from the vaccine adverse event reporting system and the vaccine safety datalink
    American Journal of Otolaryngology. 2024
  • A broad assessment of COVID-19 vaccine safety using tree-based data-mining in the vaccine safety datalink
    Vaccine. 2023
  • Active postlicensure safety surveillance for recombinant zoster vaccine using electronic health record data
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2023
  • Safety of simultaneous vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
    Vaccine. 2023
  • Safety signal identification for COVID-19 bivalent booster vaccination using tree-based scan statistics in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
    Vaccine. 2023
  • Tree-based data mining for safety assessment of first COVID-19 booster doses in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
    Vaccine. 2023
  • Kawasaki disease following the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and rotavirus vaccines
    Pediatrics. 2022
  • COVID-19 vaccination coverage among insured persons aged ≥16 years, by race/ethnicity and other selected characteristics - eight integrated health care organizations, United States, December 14, 2020-May 15, 2021
    MMWR: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2021
  • Surveillance for adverse events after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination
    JAMA. 2021
  • Safety of measles-containing vaccines in 1-year-old children
    Pediatrics. 2015
  • Safety of diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis and inactivated poliovirus (DTaP-IPV) vaccine
    Vaccine. 2014
  • Tdap and GBS letter
    Vaccine. 2011
  • Evaluating real-time syndromic surveillance signals from ambulatory care data in four states
    Public Health Reports. 2010
  • Measles-mumps-rubella-varicella combination vaccine and the risk of febrile seizures
    Pediatrics. 2010
  • Real-time surveillance to assess risk of intussusception and other adverse events after pentavalent, bovine-derived rotavirus vaccine
    Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 2010
  • Accuracy of data on influenza vaccination status at four Vaccine Safety Datalink sites
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2009
  • An assessment of the safety of adolescent and adult tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine, using active surveillance for adverse events in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
    Vaccine. 2009
  • Varicella vaccination and ischemic stroke in children: is there an association?
    Pediatrics. 2009
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  • W. K. Yih
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