Family support

Emotional, spiritual and care support is here when you need it

Dealing with a health crisis is never easy. The uncertainty and stress of the situation can quickly become overwhelming. At Regions Hospital, we are committed to providing the highest quality care – for your loved one, and for you and your family.

If you ever need help, be it emotional, spiritual or informational, we’re here for you. Simply call us at 651-254-3456 or ask your family member or friend’s nurse for help coordinating services.


We offer free interpreter services in-person and through video to meet the language needs of our patients and their families. Services are available 24/7 for over 200 languages.

The Regions Hospital chapel is a quiet space for all religious faiths and spiritual traditions.

Spiritual care

To support our patients during a health crisis, we are proud to offer a number of family and spiritual care services, including:
  • Chaplains: Chaplains are available for spiritual care and support to patients and their loved ones. Chaplains meet people where they are spiritually, supporting patients and loved ones as they deal with the changes, losses and stresses of an illness and hospitalization. A chaplain is in the hospital Monday through Thursday until 10:00 p.m., on Fridays until 6:00 p.m. and available 24/7 for emergent needs and requests.
  • Chapel: The chapel is open to all for prayer, meditation and quiet reflection. Services held in the chapel include Friday Muslim prayer at 1:30 p.m. and Wednesday Christian prayer at 3:30 p.m. The chapel is located on the second floor, central section.
  • Catholic priest: Catholic priests are available to support Catholic patients and their loved ones. A priest is on call 24/7.

Support with challenging decisions

Ethics Consultation Committee: Sometimes, you may have a hard time understanding a recommended treatment plan. We’ll help you work through difficult decisions while keeping your loved one’s best interests or wishes in mind.

Patient representatives: If your family has questions or concerns about care, a patient representative will help you get answers. Patient representatives are a great resource for patient advocacy, helping to make sure your needs are being met and that you are receiving the best care possible.

Social workers and case managers: Get help coordinating medical care, along with other needs your family may have. These include housing, financial or transportation concerns, or help with home care. Our team is available Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and on the weekends by request.