Designing a patient interface for shared decision support [poster] Conference Poster uri icon


  • Background: Shared decision making (SDM) tools are desirable to support clinical decisions consistent with patient values and preferences.
    Objective: To develop and assess an SDM tool to help patients prioritize actions to reduce cardiovascular (CV) risk.
    Methods: A prototype of a patient SDM tool was developed as a companion piece to CV Wizard, a physician decision support tool. The patient tool was designed to convey clear, succinct and personalized information about CV risk (blood pressure, lipids, blood sugar, weight, smoking, and aspirin use) through a combination of visuals and text while avoiding complexity and accommodating a range of patient educational and literacy levels. The patient tool was presented to the HealthPartners Patient Council (HPC) for feedback on content and design.

  • publication date
  • 2011
  • Research

  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Clinical Decision Support Systems
  • Decision Making
  • Patient Satisfaction