Karen L. Margolis, MD, MPH
Senior Research Investigator


Dr. Margolis is an internal medicine physician and researcher. Throughout her career she has been drawn to topics that arose from unanswered questions in her practice. This has led Dr. Margolis to research a broad range of issues: safety and acceptability of flu shots, screening for breast and cervical cancer, preventing falls and fractures in older women, safety and effectiveness of postmenopausal hormone therapy, and treatments for diabetes. A central theme has been how best to prevent cardiovascular disease, especially through effective treatment of high blood pressure, across the age spectrum in both men and women. The COVID-19 pandemic led Dr. Margolis back to vaccine research, and she is especially proud to be collaborating with researchers across Minnesota to improve health outcomes related to this and other public health threats.

Conducting Institute research since 2005.

Education and training include:
University of Michigan (B.S. in Biology, 1979), Phi Beta Kappa



  • Sr. Investigator, Center for Chronic Care Innovation
  • Sr. Research Investigator, Diabetes
  • Sr. Research Investigator, MD, Primary care, pediatrics
  • Senior Research Investigator, Cardiovascular health
  • Publications While At HealthPartners

    selected publications

    Journal Article
  • A learning health system to generate and accelerate innovation: the HealthPartners Institute
    NEJM Catal Innov Care Deliv. 2024
  • Daily low-dose aspirin and blood pressure in community-dwelling older adults
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2024
  • Depression and anxiety among K-12 teachers in the United States: a systematic review
    School psychology (Washington, D.C.). 2024
  • Is hypertension diagnostic testing and diagnosis associated with psychological distress?
    American Journal of Hypertension. 2024
  • Patient experiences with blood pressure measurement methods for hypertension diagnosis: qualitative findings from the BP-CHECK Study
    American Journal of Hypertension. 2024
  • Editorial Article
  • Antihypertensive medication use in older adults at risk for hip fracture [editorial]
    JAMA.  322. 2019
  • Inventing a new model of hypertension care for black men [editorial]
    New England Journal of Medicine.  378. 2018
  • Risk and benefit information and use of aspirin [editorial]
    JAMA internal medicine.  177. 2017
  • Strategies to prioritize clinical options in primary care [editorial]
    Annals of Family Medicine.  15. 2017
  • Intensive BP control, falls, and fractures: response to Jolobe [editorial]
    Journal of General Internal Medicine.  30. 2015
  • Conference Poster
  • A clinical decision support system promotes shared decision-making and cardiovascular risk factor management [poster]
  • Aspirin for primary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: challenges to appropriate use [poster]
  • Blood pressure checks and diagnosing hypertension (BP-CHECK): a stakeholder informed randomized controlled diagnostic study comparing clinic, home, kiosk, and 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring [poster]
  • Can prioritized clinical decision support in primary care reduce cardiovascular risk? [poster]
  • Clinical decision support impact on overuse and underuse of aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular events [poster]
  • Review
  • Early patient-centered outcomes research experience with the use of telehealth to address disparities: scoping review [review, systematic review]
    Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2021
  • Evidence and recommendations on the use of telemedicine for the management of arterial hypertension: an international expert position paper [review]
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2020
  • Self-monitoring of blood pressure in patients with hypertension-related multi-morbidity: systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis [meta-analysis, systematic review]
    American Journal of Hypertension. 2020
  • Blood pressure assessment in adults in clinical practice and clinic-based research: JACC Scientific Expert Panel [review]
    Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2019
  • Priorities Wizard: multisite web-based primary care clinical decision support improved chronic care outcomes with high use rates and high clinician satisfaction rates [review]
    EGEMS (Washington, DC). 2019
  • Abstract
  • Comparing change in systolic blood pressure with clinic-based care versus telehealth care in a pragmatic cluster-randomized trial (Hyperlink 3) [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Blood pressure checks and diagnosing hypertension (BP-CHECK): a randomized controlled diagnostic study comparing clinic, home, and kiosk, to 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring--comparative accuracy primary outcome results [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • Dissemination and sustained use of an outpatient clinical decision system with high use rates, high clinician satisfaction, and positive impact on quality of care [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • Long-term effects on cardiovascular events of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist management in patients with uncontrolled hypertension [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • A comparison of the impact of the 2017 ACC/AHA hypertension guidelines on primary care populations with and without diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2018
  • presentations

  • , International Conference on Social Stress Research
  • A prospective study of oral contraceptive use and risk of myocardial infarction among Swedish women [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 13th Annual Conference: Building a National Research Model: the Future of HMO-Based Research
  • Adherence to home blood pressure monitoring in patients with uncontrolled blood pressure [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 16th Annual Conference: Emerging Frontiers in Healthcare Research and Delivery
  • Advances in the understanding of cognitive and mental health in postmenopausal women: emerging findings from the Women's Health Initiative studies [presentation], American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry Annual Meeting
  • Association of BMI and change in BMI on progression from normotension to prehyertension or hypertension in patients ages 3-17 [presentation], Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting
  • Contact

    full name

  • Karen L. Margolis, MD, MPH
  • located in facility

    Quick Info

