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Medicare FAQs

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I have other insurance in addition to Medicare. Will you bill that insurance company too?
If you have provided us with additional insurance information, we will bill that insurance company after Medicare has processed the claim.

I am on Medicare. Are there any other programs that can help me?
We offer financial assistance programs. Visit our HealthPartners Clinics Financial Assistance Program page to learn more.

Do I have to sign any forms before you can bill Medicare?
You will be required to sign a yearly consent form unless there is already one on file with the provider’s location.

Depending on the service you’re receiving, you could also be required to sign an ABN form for any non-covered services.

Why did I receive a bill for a routine physical or preventive exam?
If other medical conditions were addressed during your exam that required more evaluation, you may be billed for that service. Insurance carriers require accurate reporting from providers when preventive care and additional problems are addressed in the same visit. While you may be taking care of two health care concerns at one time, your insurer may see it as taking care of two office visits in one and assess your benefits accordingly.

Why are some services divided into two charges?
Medicare rules require hospital based clinics to bill some services as separate charges. One charge is for the provider’s service (provider fee) and the other is for the costs of nursing staff, equipment, and building expenses (facility fee).

What kinds of services are divided into two charges?
Clinic services (including office visits and certain treatments given in the office), X-ray, lab, and EKG charges are the most common types.

Does this mean I am being billed twice for the same service?
No, the combined cost of each charge is equal to the full charge for the service. HealthPartners hospital based clinics will submit all claims to Medicare.

How can I learn more about Medicare?
Visit the official Medicare website.

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