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J. G. Salzman All authors
Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Journal Article
  • Impact of centre volume, surgeon volume, surgeon experience and geographic location on reoperation after intramedullary nailing of tibial shaft fractures
    Canadian Journal of Surgery. 2021
  • Elimination of routine screening laboratory tests for psychiatric admission: a quality improvement initiative
    Psychiatric Services. 2020
  • Intraosseous pressure monitoring in healthy volunteers
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2017
  • Achieving a safe endotracheal tube cuff pressure in the prehospital setting: is it time to revise the standard cuff inflation practice?
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2016
  • Demographic, operational, and healthcare utilization factors associated with emergency department patient satisfaction
    Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2015
  • Evaluation of intraosseous pressure in a hypovolemic animal model
    Journal of Surgical Research. 2015
  • Impact of health information exchange on emergency medicine clinical decision making
    Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2015
  • The association of health status and providing consent to continued participation in an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest trial performed under exception from informed consent
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2015
  • Comparison of success rates between two video laryngoscope systems used in a prehospital clinical trial
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2014
  • Does computed tomographic scan affect diagnosis and management of patients with suspected renal colic?
    American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2014
  • Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography utilization trends in an academic ED
    American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2014
  • Prehospital oxygen administration for chest pain patients decreases significantly following implementation of the 2010 AHA guidelines
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2014
  • Use of an intraosseous device for invasive pressure monitoring in the ED
    American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2014
  • Evaluation of the Storz CMAC(R), Glidescope(R) GVL, AirTraq(R), King LTS-D, and direct laryngoscopy in a simulated difficult airway
    American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2013
  • Longitudinal and regional trends in paramedic student exposure to advanced airway placement: 2001-2011
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2013
  • Marathon runner prolonged normothermic cardiopulmonary arrest and neurologically intact survival
    Current Sports Medicine Reports. 2013
  • Supraglottic airway device use as a primary airway during rapid sequence intubation
    Air Medical Journal. 2013
  • Treatment of non-traumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with active compression decompression cardiopulmonary resuscitation plus an impedance threshold device
    Resuscitation. 2013
  • Medical preparation for the 2008 Republican National Convention: a practical guide
    The journal of trauma and acute care surgery. 2012
  • Potential negative effects of epinephrine on carotid blood flow and ETCO2 during active compression-decompression CPR utilizing an impedance threshold device
    Resuscitation. 2012
  • Prognostic factors for predicting outcomes after intramedullary nailing of the tibia
    Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American Volume). 2012
  • The emergency department experience with prehospital ketamine: a case series of 13 patients
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2012
  • Comparison of prehospital insertion success rates and time to insertion between standard endotracheal intubation and a supraglottic airway
    Resuscitation. 2011
  • Outcomes assessment in the SPRINT multicenter tibial fracture trial: adjudication committee size has trivial effect on trial results
    Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2011
  • Use of the King LTS-D during medication-assisted airway management
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2009
  • Use of the pediatric EZ-IO needle by emergency medical services providers
    Pediatric Emergency Care. 2009
  • Effect of paramedic student internship on performance on the National Registry Written Exam
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2008
  • Focus on RSI. Does training in the or create an optimal RSI program?
    JEMS: A Journal of Emergency Medical Services. 2008
  • Shock therapy. How donut magnets can suspend inappropriate ICD shocks
    JEMS: A Journal of Emergency Medical Services. 2008
  • Use of the intubating laryngeal mask airway in HEMS
    Air Medical Journal. 2008
  • Consecutive field trials using two different intraosseous devices
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2007
  • Implementing emergency research requiring exception from informed consent, community consultation, and public disclosure
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2007
  • Paramedic student adherence to the National Standard Curriculum recommendations
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2007
  • Conference Poster
  • Oil industry burn patient demographics, treatment characteristics, and outcomes [poster]
  • Achieving a safe endotracheal tube cuff pressure in the prehospital setting: is it time to revise the standard cuff inflation practice [poster]?
  • Prehospital ketamine for chemical restraint: administered dose vs intubation rate [poster]
  • Public-private partnership to develop a community paramedic program to decrease CHF readmissions [poster]
  • Alternative airway use by paramedics after video laryngoscope failure [poster]
  • Decreasing intraosseous pressure and increasing respiratory variability track fluid volume reduction in a porcine hypovolemia model [poster]
  • Decreasing intraosseous pressure and increasing respiratory variability track fluid volume reduction in a porcine hypovolemia model [poster]
  • Effect of a systems-based approach on reducing emergency department use in an integrated health system [poster]
  • Facilitation of uninterrupted chest compressions by paramedics: the role of the video laryngoscope [poster]
  • Intraosseous pressure tracings mimic arterial pressure tracings in timing and contour [poster]
  • Intraosseous pressure tracings mimic arterial pressure tracings in timing and contour [poster]
  • Patient satisfaction variability by chief complaint in an urban community emergency department [poster]
  • A retrospective descriptive study of MRI use in an academic emergency department [poster]
  • Day shift is predictive of higher patient satisfaction in an urban community emergency department [poster]
  • Prevalence of new hypertension diagnosis in the emergency department [poster]
  • Treatment of non-traumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with active compression decompression cardiopulmonary resuscitation plus an impedance threshold device [poster]
  • Frequency of organ and tissue donation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients [poster]
  • Inadequate baseline and 6-month retention of the Emergency Severity Index by experienced emergency department registered nurses [poster]
  • Does increased pre-trial respiratory pattern variability portend failure-to-wean [poster]?
  • Abstract
  • Do emergency department blood cultures influence antibiotic therapy in patients diagnosed with sepsis [abstract]?
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2016
  • Factors associated with appropriate spinal immobilization and long backboard use [abstract]
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2016
  • Impact of the NAEMSP guidelines for spinal immobilization and long backboard application on usage rates between 2010 and 2014 [abstract]
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2016
  • Intraosseous pressure monitoring in healthy volunteers [abstract]
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2016
  • Boomtown: analysis of burn injuries from the Bakken Oil Industry [abstract #133]
    Journal of burn care & research. 2015
  • Intraosseous pressure monitoring in critical care patients [abstract]
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2015
  • Timing of consent into a multicenter randomized controlled traumatic brain injury clinical trial conducted under exception from informed consent [abstract]
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2015
  • Use of tranexamic acid in burn excision and grafting procedures: a case series [abstract #137]
    Journal of burn care & research. 2015
  • Health information exchange frequently changes emergency physician management plan [abstract]
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2014
  • Alternative airway use by paramedics after video laryngoscope failure [abstract]
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2013
  • Association of patient, operational, and care factors with emergency department satisfaction in dental pain, back pain, and headache patients [abstract]
    Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2013
  • Comparison of success rates between two video laryngoscope systems used in a prehospital clinical trial [abstract]
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2013
  • Does CT scan affect diagnosis and management of patients with suspected renal colic [abstract]?
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2013
  • Does health status influence the willingness to provide informed consent? Results from a cardiac arrest trial conducted under waiver of informed consent [abstract]
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2013
  • Facilitation of uninterrupted chest compressions by paramedics: the role of the video laryngoscope [abstract]
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2013
  • Paramedic time to endotracheal tube placement using a video laryngoscope [abstract]
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2013
  • Patient satisfaction variability by chief complaint in an urban community emergency department [abstract]
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2013
  • Descriptive review of the subsequent notification process of an exception from informed consent clinical trial [abstract]
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2012
  • Potential negative effects of epinephrine on carotid blood flow and ETCo2 during active compression-decompression CPR utilizing an impedance threshold device [abstract]
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2012
  • Can paramedics accurately diagnose sepsis and severe sepsis in the field [abstract]?
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2011
  • Direct comparison of video laryngoscopes in simulated difficult intubations [abstract]
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2011
  • Evaluation of 4 different video laryngoscopes in a simulated difficult airway scenario: the EMESIS Trial [abstract]
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2011
  • Frequency of organ and tissue donation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients [abstract]
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2011
  • Inadequate baseline and 6-month retention of the Emergency Severity Index by experienced Emergency Department registered nurses [abstract]
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2011
  • Training emergency medical services providers in the use of the Emergency Severity Index: a pilot study [abstract]
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2011
  • Trends in paramedic student exposure to advanced airway placement: 2001-2009 [abstract]
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2011
  • Use of the King LTS-D as a primary airway over rapid-sequence intubation medications: a prospective, consecutive case series [abstract]
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2011
  • Comparison of provider time to ventilation in advanced airway procedures: a laboratory simulation trial [abstract]
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2010
  • Effect of time from initial training to field placement of the King LTS-D: the Advanced Airway Research Trial [abstract]
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2010
  • Is time to insertion different between standard endotracheal intubation and the King LTS-D supraglottic airway [abstract]?
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2010
  • Pediatric field endotracheal intubation success rates: comparison of paramedic students and their working paramedic preceptors [abstract]
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2010
  • The Advanced Airway Research Trial: a multicenter, prospective, randomized trial comparing standard endotracheal intubation and the King LTS-D supraglottic airway under RSI conditions [abstract]
    Prehospital Emergency Care. 2010
  • Use of competency cases to assess provider knowledge of the Emergency Severity Index (version 4): an item analysis [abstract]
    Academic Emergency Medicine. 2010
  • Contact
    full name
  • J. G. Salzman
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